We are not in Kansas anymore. Actually I don't know if we were ever in Kansas, or Nebraska. It looked like we tickled the borders but spent most of the day in Missouri or Iowa. What a beautiful country. Fields of corn, grain and other things that our farmers nurture then bring to market for us to enjoy. This truly is the heartland.
There was a lot of road work going on again today. It is actially good to see the infrastructure of our country receiving the much needed updates. When we started out on our journey, we stopped to take a picture of Chris at the state welcome centers. Georgia was great, and Tennessee had a nice spot for a photo op. after that, we kind of lost the vision. Illinois had a small plaque that we used, but there was no welcome to Missouri or Kansas, Nebraska or South Dakota.
So I told you we named the GPS thingy Gigi Garmin. Around lunch hour I asked navigator Chris to check with Gigi for possible places to eat. He came up with lots of places we had already passed, I suggested he look ahead. He came up with McDonalds, a no name joints and Subway. Chris loves Subway and suggested we do that again. He swore there were no other choices - so we stopped at Subway. I have nothing against the sub place but really do not enjoy it daily. Guess what was at the very next exit. Olive Garden, Applebee's, Chilis, Red Lobster . . . just to name a few.
Moving on down the road, I decided we would stop at Sioux Falls for the night. I figured there might be something fun to do for the evening. Let's ask Chris to check with Gigi for hotels. The only problem was that we were at Sioux City not Sioux Falls. Needless to say we are sitting in a Hamptin Inn with nothing around. Choices for dinner included Billy Bobs, Hungrys Restaurant, Goode to Go, and Ike's Bingo and Casino. Now if you know me even a little, you are laughing your fanny off. So as we head out I stop at the front desk and ask if there are any 'real' restaurants around. "Oh yes, go under the interstate, down eight blocks, make a left and check out Beano and Cheeries". I am thinking I must have stepped in something or I have stupid on my forehead but ok, I give up. Down the road we go, find the restaurant - it is a casino. This screams "do not let Heidi and Russ find out I took their kid to a casino". Anyway we survived dinner, even though the bartender had to ask me how I wanted him to make my Southern Comfort Manhatten. No, we are not in Kansas anymore, we do not know where Toto is but we are enjoying the ride.
Now we have to get to bed so we can get an early start tomorrow. Sioux Falls is at least an hour up the road!
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