Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nashville to Columbia

Another long day on the road but it is such fun with a 15 year old.   Chris has a great sense of humor and is doing a great job as a navigator and designated texter!  We started out from the hotel with tourist pamphlets in hand but no great plan.   In my mind, how can you be in Nashville and not see anything music related?   Chris, on the other hand, just wanted to get on the road.  No Opryland, no zip line, no white water rafting, no anything.  Wrong!   So we headed to Opryland at 9:30am . . . only to find they did not open until 10.  Chris tolerated a walk around  the hall and some pictures around the giant guitars.  

Back on the road, we headed toward St. Louis.  We arrived just in time for Rush Hour Traffic.  As we are navigating thru it all, trying to follow the garmins advice, we spied the famous Arch.  Can we get over and head downtown?  No!   Quickly Chris grabbed my phone and snapped a few shots.  Then we were gone.   I do believe that St. Louis traffic almost rivals Atlanta and has more construction going on too.

We are in Columbia, Missouri tonight.  I think we are about 100 miles from Kansas City.   Will I get Chris on a mechanical bull or a real horse or visit something in this next highlight along the way?  Only time will tell!  :)

Drumroll please . . . I know you are all awaiting the announcement of the name of our testy GPS thingy.   Chris has come up with Gigi Garmin!   And Gigi has been up to her tricks again today - sending us on wild goose chases around the city.    Good night all, sleep well!

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