Friday, July 26, 2013

Almost there!

Wednesday we were on the road all day and well into the night.  We started our day heading for Lake       Michigan and many hours later found ourselves walking on the beach in Chicago along the shores of Lake Michigan.  It was breathtaking.   Back in the car and through city traffic we headed out to the most obscure Lake Huron.   Not an easy ride, not much scenery along the way but we finally got there in late afternoon.   Headed south and east to find a hotel, but hit Lake Erie before a room was to be had.  Took some photos of all the sailboats out on the lake and got back on the road to find a place to lay our heads.   Five hotels later, and 9pm, we got a room and headed out to get something to eat.   I had to promise Chris that we would sleep in on Thursday.

Thursday we had planned to head towards London, Ohio.  My grandfathers cabin has been calling me and I was looking forward to visiting the past.  We called the London Historical Society to get directions and hours only to find out they only open on Saturday and Wednesday - missed it by one day.  I was disappointed but we went with Plan B.   Giving Chris a day off from travel, we trekked to Cedar Point, Ohio, land of 16 roller coasters and other rides and waterpark.  I allowed Chris to have free run of the park for a few hours.  When he reappeared, we had lunch then wandered the park together.  He rode a couple of rides again then headed out in the direction of Buffalo, NY.

Today we will depart Ashtabula and find our hotel.  We pick Art up at the airport around 7pm.   I think Chris will enjoy having some "man time" for a few days.   We will look for Lake Ontario along the way and take in Niagara Falls tomorrow with Papa.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great trip! Love reading the daily updates! Enjoy the time with Art! Hugs!
