Happy Sunday to all. We are in Spearfish, SD and are using this as our basecamp for the area. Today we started out at Deadwood, a small gambling town south of Spearfish. The main site we visited was Mt. Moriah Cemetary . . . Final resting place of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. We were lucky enough to arrive during a paid tour presentation so picked some free info. I must say that coming from FLAT Florida these mountains are doing me in. Poor Chris is doing circles around me. Sure sign that I am getting old . . . I have really slowed down!
We drove around town then headed to Mt. Rushmore, our reason for driving totally across the nation. It is such a beautiful country and the drive up and down the mountains is quite lovely. Rushmore is breathtaking. We went to the main photo op then traveled down to the sculptors studio. What an undertaking those brave workers performed. An awesome national site.
Taking off from MR, we headed off to visit some caverns. Gigi Garmin took us onto a little road known as 16A. Started out fairly calm, but do not let your guard down. 18 miles of winding, did I say winding hairpin turns, and one-lane bridges. 18 miles of white knuckle, heart pounding, traffic coming at you roadway. Can you tell I was a bit anxious? After a nail-biting trip, we never found where we were heading. Thanks Gigi.
As a secondary visit, we stopped at the Black Hills Caverns. Chris took the one-hour tour down three levels of mining and crystal searching. Nana Bev does not do underground or closed sites. Chris is very brave!
Back at the hotel, cleaned up for diner and hit one of Chris's regulars, Applebee's. We are settling in for the night. Have decided to depart the Black Hills tomorrow with one last stop at Sturgis. Chris heard about a Motorcycle Museum there. Sweet dreams.
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